KISS - Psycho Circus
KISS - Psycho Circus.iso
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Text File
243 lines
39142 The Page URL field cannot be empty.
39143 The Page URL field doesn't end with '%1'.
39144 The Page URL field requires at least one char before the extension.
39145 The Page URL field does not contain a valid page URL.
39146 Another instance of the wizard is already running.
39147 Error initializing OLE.
39148 You must select a type of question.
39149 [ Question %1 of %2 ]
39150 Variable name cannot be empty.
39151 Variable name must be unique.
39152 Variable base name cannot be empty.
39153 Variable base name must be unique.
39154 Options list cannot be empty.
39155 Options list contains duplicate lines.
39156 Labels list cannot be empty.
39157 Labels list contains duplicate lines.
39158 All questions and their settings will be lost.\n\nClear anyway?
39159 %1. %2
39160 File base name cannot be empty.
39161 .htm
39162 .txt
39163 .cgi
39164 full name: %1%2
39165 contact information
39166 Ask users for their name, affiliation, addresses and phone numbers.
39167 Please provide the following contact information:
39168 Contact
39169 account information
39170 Ask users for a username and password.
39171 Please provide your account information:
39172 product information
39173 Ask users for a product name, model, version, and serial number.
39174 Please provide the following product information:
39175 Account
39176 Product
39177 ordering information
39178 Ask users for a list of products to order, and billing and shipping information.
39179 Please provide the following ordering information:
39180 Ordering
39181 personal information
39182 Ask users for their name, age, and other physical characteristics.
39183 Please identify and describe yourself:
39184 one of several options
39185 Ask users to pick exactly one item from a list of mutually exclusive options.
39186 Choose one of the following options:
39187 any of several options
39188 Ask users to pick zero or more items from a list of independent options.
39189 Select any of the following options that apply:
39190 Option
39191 boolean
39192 Ask users to provide a yes/no or true/false response.
39193 Would you like ... ?
39194 date
39195 Ask users to provide a date.
39196 Enter the date of ... :
39197 time
39198 Ask users to provide a time.
39199 Enter the time of ... :
39200 range
39201 Ask users to rate their opinion of something based on a scale of 1 to 5.
39202 How would you rate your opinion of ... ?
39203 number
39204 Ask users to enter a numeric value, such as a quantity or price.
39205 How much or many ... ?
39206 $
39207 string
39208 Ask users to enter a short character string in a single-line text box.
39209 Enter your ... in the space provided below.
39210 paragraph
39211 Ask users to enter one or more paragraphs in a multi-line text box.
39212 What do you think of ... ?
39213 Personal
39214 newform.htm
39215 Untitled Form Page
39216 Error making OLE connection to FrontPage Explorer.
39217 Error making OLE connection to FrontPage Editor.
39218 Unable to create temporary file.
39219 The following file is missing from the wizard directory:\n%1.
39220 Unable to create form page file.
39221 Unable to generate unknown web file '%1'.
39222 Failed to generate web file '%1'.
39223 The wizard failed to upload the following file:\n%1.
39224 This is an explanation of the purpose of the form ...
39225 Contents
39226 Question-%1
39227 custom.cgi
39228 Submit Form
39229 Reset Form
39230 Copyright information goes here.
39231 Last revised:
39232 %16s
39233 FullName
39234 Name
39235 FirstName
39236 First name
39237 LastName
39238 Last name
39239 MiddleInitial
39240 Middle initial
39241 Title
39242 Title
39244 Organization
39245 Organization
39246 StreetAddress
39247 Street address
39248 Address2
39249 Address (cont.)
39250 City
39251 City
39252 State
39253 State/Province
39254 ZipCode
39255 Zip/Postal code
39256 Country
39257 Country
39258 WorkPhone
39259 Work Phone
39260 HomePhone
39261 Home Phone
39262 FAX
39263 FAX
39264 Email
39265 E-mail
39266 URL
39267 URL
39268 %16s
39269 Username
39270 User name
39271 Password
39272 Password
39273 PasswordConfirm
39274 Confirm password
39275 %16s
39276 ProductName
39277 Product name
39278 Product 1
39279 Product 2
39280 Product 3
39281 ...
39282 Product N
39283 Model
39284 Model
39285 VersionNumber
39286 Version number
39287 OperatingSystem
39288 Operating system
39289 ProductCode
39290 Product code
39291 SerialNumber
39292 Serial number
39293 %16s
39295 OrderQty
39296 OrderDesc
39297 QTY
39301 CardType
39302 Credit card
39303 VISA
39304 MasterCard
39305 American Express
39306 Diner's Club
39307 Discover
39308 CardHolderName
39309 Cardholder name
39310 CardNumber
39311 Card number
39312 CardExpiration
39313 Expiration date
39314 PONumber
39315 Purchase order #
39316 POAccount
39317 Account name
39318 %16s
39319 Age
39320 Age
39321 DateOfBirth
39322 Date of birth
39323 Sex
39324 Sex
39325 Male
39326 Female
39327 Height
39328 Height
39329 Weight
39330 Weight
39331 IDNumber
39332 ID number
39333 HairColor
39334 Hair color
39335 Blonde
39336 Brown
39337 Black
39338 Red
39339 Gray
39340 White
39341 EyeColor
39342 Eye color
39343 Blue
39344 Brown
39345 Black
39346 Green
39347 Gray
39348 Violet
39349 %16s
39350 Yes
39351 No
39352 True
39353 False
39354 -- mm/dd/yy
39355 -- dd/mm/yy
39356 -- hh:mm:ss am/pm
39357 -- hh:mm:ss
39358 1
39359 2
39360 3
39361 4
39362 5
39363 bad
39364 poor
39365 average
39366 fair
39367 good
39368 disagree strongly
39369 disagree
39370 neutral
39371 agree
39372 agree strongly
39373 formrslt
39374 form%1.htm
39375 Form Page %1
39376 A page with the given URL is being edited by the FrontPage Editor.\nPlease choose a different page URL.
39377 %B %d, %Y
57344 Form Page Wizard
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC